Just a Friendly Reminder

This morning I noticed that the Oakland Press mentioned this blog on their front page (you must look closely to see it).  When the paper said they were looking for bloggers, I sent them an email dirtecting them to this site. I met with Editors Glenn Gilbert and Stephen Frye and agreed to have this added to their site.

Back when I started this in January, I said that it was for my own pleasure.  If my friends and family read and enjoy, that's great.  One of the options I have with this blog is 'comment moderation'.  That means that if someone leaves a comment, I get to decide if it gets posted on the site.

I don't know about you, but I get irritated when I read someone's blog and then another reader basically tells them they are an idiot and why did they write this.  Hey buddy, it's the writer's blog, it's free to you, and if you don't like it, move on.

I have dealt with enough negativity in my careers, both at the City of Detroit and in West Bloomfield.  I do NOT need to deal with it in retirement.  So, say nice things if you want to see them in print. 

That being said, the deer and rabbits eating everything in my yard (where is Elmer Fudd?) are still fair game and a good outlet for mine and your hostilities.

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