Hello everyone. I made the mistake of digging my thumb into a bunch of black walnut husks to break them open. Was at my annual neck condition evaluation (no surgery yet!) and found out I inflamed a tendon. Long story short, a brace, a few days, and some relief, I decided to try using a frame to help with Lucy. My inherited frames were all donated and Goodwill no longer has them. I kept one of K's Creations' 16" lap stands along with some do-dads that look like something a dentist would use to hold your mouth open. I really didn't think it would work because of the bulk of fabric on the side and bottom, but wanted to try. I've been a scooper since the beginning. In and out one motion do it quick stitch. Is it any wonder my stitches have no uniformity or even tension? I know that using this method, especially on 27-30 count, I am all over the place. But once again, liking a more primitive/early style to my stitched pieces is conducive to stitching wonkiness.
When I tried the frame last night, I had a really difficult time using my left hand to steer the needle into the proper hole. It just wasn't working. Getting a comfortable angle to alleviate neck discomfort was another. I machine stitched the edges to the scrolls but with the edge bulk, it couldn't possibly be rolled evenly or produce any tension. But I can see why you would get a nicer stitch and develop a rhythm. I think I would like to make an effort to try this method. I looked at other stands and think K's Z-frame would work better for me but I'm not purchasing anything until I know I can adjust to this method, and see an improvement. Otherwise, wonky will be fine. Another thing I noticed and didn't care for was being able to see through the 28 count while held in the scrolls, which made it hard to see the linen threads clearly. I'm seeing how the 28 count in a lighter weight linen can make stitches uneven regardless of your best effort. Too much room in those holes! The vast majority of my inventory is 28 or 30 and after all the color experiments and dryer, they all (except that belligerent Amber) seem to be tighter or thicker.Just looking at this mess is probably making some of you cringe!
For smaller projects such as Santa and pincushions, I will still stitch in hand. I wouldn't want to hold a hoop, so having a frame or hoop in a stand with a medium sized project will be the learning experience. I plan on starting another Santa or maybe a pincushion to give me a break when I tire of holding Lucy. Right now, she is attached to the top scroll and letting her bottom hang out. Hmmm. My hand is better and I'll probably go back to the office clips soon.
The woodpecker is still ravaging the house. I called the county Extension office and was told the bird is looking for a roost or shelter for winter. He is making perfect large holes through all the wood until he reaches the shiny soft insulation, which he can't drill. So he starts another hole. He recommended I sit outside with a garden hose and squirt him when he lands on the house. Oh my. If those cops see that wacky red-booted wild woman sitting in a rocker squirting birds, the stories will never end.
And I have a new visitor....Junior! Mama brought him this morning and he is a clone of his dad. White toes on the front paws, white boots up to the main joint on back legs, solid black face, white bib. He is trying to follow his dad everywhere and mama keeps dragging him back. I can't get dad lured into a carrier so I will have to resort to a large raccoon trap for his de-balling capture. Sorry guys.I don't have any photos of fall colors since half the trees were bare a month ago and the others are mostly brown. Did I happen to mention that I hate Fall? My maples in the front yard turn a beautiful red and they are just starting. I will be able to watch the transformation while outside sitting in my rocker squirting a bird. I should probably take some stitching with me - should be good light. Have a great weekend, enjoy this $#@& season that you all seem to love, and thanks for visiting!
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