Hello everyone. Just a quick post to show you the lovely package I received from Irene of Starry-eyed Stitcher. I was thrilled! The seams are beaded as is the hanger, stitched superbly, but the finishing is spectacular! It is firm, yet soft, hard to explain. The backing fabric isn't pictured as beautiful as it is. The edges are stuffed to perfection and the seams are lined up with the fabric exactly. But the feel....I couldn't put it down. Completely even and well......I'm just amazed. I wish I could do finishing as well. Thank you again Irene.
After hanging it throughout the house, I decided on this location...
Just to show you how I cheat on my finishing, this is what I do to my old quilt pillows. There are so many layers of fabric in addition to the batting and I just can't do a decent job without bending my needles, so I rely on this product. I use these office clips for my snack bags instead of those cheap ones I used to buy again and again, and they work really well for this. And this little cushion from an old quilt will be included with my giveaway. I don't like that word. Offering sounds better.I've been working on some projects and having fun, for some reason, getting an tickle that I want to start creating and selling again. Maybe. Maybe not. I'll show you next time and get your opinions.
Now for the big news. I saw the newborn kitty. Only one. Baby is the image of dad. Dad looks for mom all day, lays next to her, and here he is guarding her while she eats. You can see my other stamped concrete in a brick pattern here, and how the wood stain worked on it. I don't know when she will bring the baby around and I don't want to push it since he/she is in a safe location right now.
Last of all, I found these pewter items, all from different pewter makers, at the only place we have here for antiques and such. They were $5 each. I'm happy. And here's a better look at the little pillow. It's nothing to look at but I like to add a few to the stitched ones in a bowl. All of my old quilts are appliqued and I thought these were fall (ick) colors. Another fall scent tart from Yankee, Autumn Leaves, made its way into the box. Not everyone that left a comment on that offering post requested to be included but you are automatically, so if you do NOT want to be included, please let me know. I've been having Google problems and can't see all photos on your blogs, some times can't leave a comment, and can't even get in to my own page at times. All the charts I plan on listing, were scanned and entered, now they're gone. ???? I have to start over and the scanner is acting up so I don't know when they will be listed. I have the older JCS ornament issues too.
So I will talk to you Sunday - drawing will be Saturday night. Hope your week is going well and thanks for taking the time to visit.
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