Learning to be in the Minority

During my more than twenty years in public office, I went through two periods of being in the minority, when I wondered why I bothered showing up for board meetings.  Well, the reason was simple: State law required that I attend all meetings.  When necessary, I made my minority comments, voted my conscience and went on with my full-time duties as Treasurer.  Sometimes, I just acquiesced because I didn't need to make enemies.

Sitting here watching the Township of West Bloomfield Board meeting, I am trying to understand why two certain members of this Board find the need to show how much they disagree with the majority at every meeting.  They make motions knowing they have no chance of being passed.  What's more, the motions are sometimes just 'stupid'.  And not just motions, but ask 'stupid' questions.  Do you really believe that sending an informational email to everyone violates the Open Meetings Act?

I try not to watch or show up, but at what point do I have to either move out of town, unplug the TV, or stop reading the newspapers?   I find myself yelling at the TV, mostly at Trustee Kaplan.


OK.  I had to leave my home to go to the meeting.  I got up and spoke to correct the misstatements about how the Board has operated for the last 50 years.  When I was done, I went out in the hall where I then heard the Supervisor inform the public that she was not interested in listening to former officials.  HELLO???  I pay your salary.  I AM YOUR BOSS.

I am not sure who is giving lessons in arrogance at the township, but they must have gotten a package deal.

I had truly believed that things could not get worse.  Guess I was wrong.

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