I decided to start the Nash since I removed all the stitching from Pears Two and counted those eye-crossing threads - it is 35/36 count. My eyes seem to do this sideways dance for a second whenever I'm counting and it always happens right before I mark the thread. I had planned on doing the Nash design before the Pear and before she disappears again, I opened and read the chart. I didn't know this was inside...
Isn't that sweet? What surprised me is the size of this project. I thought this was going to be about 6" or so and it's much larger than that, over 9" wide for the design area, and I'm a little disappointed. My perception must be way off or those little scissors aren't as little as I think they are. Doesn't this look like a small bag in the photos? Maybe she used 36 count originally which is why she states one strand of floss. I am using the 32 count recommended which is one of the few pieces actually marked in my stash. Although the linen count is correct, I'm not using one strand of floss as suggested. I didn't like the coverage and one of the colors is too close to my linen to show up, so I redid all of that. Between the Pear and this, I've done more removing than adding. I've been making a lot of errors on the top border circles - can't seem to get that pattern memorized, but at least the errors are caught right away. I can't wait to get to the fruit. I found the chenille trim on EBay after searching the web for suppliers, which aren't many. I didn't see it offered on the online shops so I'm not sure if it's the same, but how many chenille trims can there be?? I think it's one of those small items that you find when you actually visit, which is why not having a shop is sad. All I see are charts, linens, and thread, oh my! I received the colors I ordered quickly, they are reasonable, and she was very nice so I'm happy. Well, I was then. So here's my progress...
I'm still going to give PearsTwo a try on the 35/36 with one strand, so I may be working on two projects at a time - a first for me. I have quite a few CBU's (completed but unfinished) to sew into something including the little Blackbird design I recently finished. I was thinking of doing a roll and offering it as a giveaway but it depends on how many flashes I have during finishing. That's a huge factor in quality of workmanship, let alone a possible demise. Haven't decided about Fanny - frame or not. I saw a frame that made my skirt fly up on the Queen's webshots. You know who I'm talking about - SamplerFarmer! Check out this frame on one of her latest entries. Never saw a frame like that and my local doesn't have it. She posted Jenny Bean, Mrs. Pearson, E. Traill, and Two Horses recently. Hail Queen!
I hope you all have been safe and not affected by the ravaging storms. We had the May 1985 F5 tornado pass right below our home, and take our best friend while he saved two children. Pictures on the screens don't come close to experiencing in person the shock and disbelief of the devastation that can occur in a matter of minutes. Hopefully, better weather is on the way. After the long white winter, we're having a dark wet spring! As long as our loved ones are safe, I guess the weather really doesn't matter. Puts things in perspective doesn't it?
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