Another year is ending. Many stitchers are presenting their year's accomplishments and they are a pleasure to see. Ranging from a few smalls to a multitude of various sized projects, our stitching pastime is a source of relaxation to aggravation. It's nice to see what can be completed in a year, and is encouraging to those of us that drag our needles, or disregard a loved design thinking it will take too long to complete. Time constraints, slumps, and emotions can get in our way, but eventually, we will complete and display the treasured work of our hands for our enjoyment.
Then my sister will look at it and say - "Why is that so dirty looking? You spilled something on it? What do you mean you deliberately stained it? Why? Were you having a hot flash? So it will stay that way?"
Here's my last two finishes of SL's Hinckley and Bliss. I added the bottom border on Lydia's just because I thought it looked better.
Right now I'm completing BOAF Red Santa and really want to continue with the Schooler Santas since I have so many of those designs trees I need to fill with stitched ornaments.
My mantel Santas are from PS #43 Father Christmas,
and #62 Kris Kringle is very similar.
Then there's #58 Old St. Nick,
#20 St. Nicholas that I did on Aida and want to redo,
#53 Santa Moon,
all the annual Schooler Santa cards,
and most of all, #80 and #88 Old World Santas I and II. I have a few more but can't find them right now.
This is the sampler I plan on starting, from the 1988 issue of Early American Life magazine.
It's really different for me but I like it. Problem is, there are no symbols and I'm having difficulty discerning the greens in the chart. The pages are yellowed somewhat from age and I am trying to rechart areas so I don't get discouraged during stitching.
A few other notes -
Sue has instructions for everyone to check their Profile on Blogger to make sure you are not "no reply". So many questions and comments cannot be answered because Blogger settings mysteriously change from time to time and if you do not allow your email address to be seen in the email we receive from your comment, we can't reply to you. Her post with the info is HERE. Make sure you click Save or Done Editing when finished. If you don't have a blog, just go directly to your profile and edit from there.
A while back, I received an email from a stitcher regarding this rabbit and finally have the answer for you - contact me!
And...I'm coming up on my 100th post. I will have a small giveaway of two 1994 magazines containing a stitcher's sewing case that is killer! This is a sneak peak - the inside is beautiful and complete instructions are in two issues.
And finally, I want to sincerely thank every one of you for being a part of my 2011, especially my new followers. I started this blog to push myself to pick up that needle and get back into life as I had known it before becoming mom's caregiver. I realized there is no going back, only moving forward. I've changed a great deal, mentally and emotionally, but my love for samplers and stitching hasn't. You have no idea how your support, comments, emails, and followings have lifted me and encouraged me.
To all of you, a Happy New Year filled with
love and laughter for the good times,
strength and comfort for the bad times,
a needle and thread for the quiet times.
Thank you