Hello everyone. You probably expected to see France F completed! Well, when I have a reduction in hot flashes, I have an increase in appetite and ADD. Let's see.....which do I prefer.....being as sticky as velcro, or stuffing my face in a state of confusion. Sticky. At least I can still get my pants on when I dry out.
France is almost completed.....
Whenever I have these wacko eating days, I can't sit still or concentrate on one thing for very long. Working on France would always be interrupted by an idea swimming in the menopool. I started playing around with the little drawer. I stitched on a tiny scrap of fabric that I was surprised to find since I normally would toss it. It fit the entire top but while pressing it, I spotted this swatch of fabric and decided to mix them with this result...
It's only 4 inches wide and 2 1/2 deep. I plan on doing the double drawer with a long pincushion roll on top.
I picked up France again and made some progress, then had difficulty trying to lift my scissors from the table with my thick arthritic fingers. I decided to drop the stitching and come up with something that would allow me to easily handle them and also provide a safe storage place while protecting the blades.
Here it is....
My scissor jar.
I made a little center indented pillow, and used two layers of pinked-edge felt around the inside of the glass in case I miss the cushion. It's not much, but for me it's practical. I have a retractable ID clip that I attach scissors to when stitching but I wanted a place to keep them together and grab easily. More importantly, I know where they are!
I was visiting blogs the other day and saw Nicole's Hawk Run stitching. The designs in this series are wonderful but the completed piece isn't really my style. Yet every time I see someone stitching a Hawk, I love it and would like to stitch a few. Has anyone ever stitched these individually for ornaments on a Hawk Run tree? I would like to try that, using different linen colors and a small twig or wire tree for display.
France F will certainly be finished in a day or so. There is another project hanging in the back of my brain that I will probably start and that's a Santa box. These other little items are thrown together without a pattern or plan and if they don't end well, I burn them. But painting Santa isn't something to throw together on a whim, so I need to make sure it's not an ADD day. I found more Aida and even weave plus the afghan fabric so I will be stalking Amish women in parking lots again. It's not easy to approach strangers and try to give them something without some apprehension on their part. I'm still up in the air on the huge linen tablecloth, thinking I could use that beautiful fabric for backing, but it was meant to be a cloth gracing a large family table.
Well boys and girls, I'm running out of potato chips, so I need to check on the cheese drawer, possibly hit the freezer for a fried glazed donut. YES!! Good idea. I am so tired of the flashes but on days like these, I would welcome them.
Thanks for visiting! Talk to you soon....
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