This sampler should have been done by now but as usual, isn't. I'm still loving it though. The motifs have a few color changes - there is a lot of pink (407) and I decided to make the swan ecru and some of the fruit 902.
The landscapers were here yesterday and I had been getting things ready for them so I was busy with those chores. All the storm damage is repaired now and only a few chores remain which they will do in a few weeks. It's hard to believe summer is almost over. Being a procrastinator, my contractors aren't lined up for the house repairs that I planned on this fall. THIS FALL. That's right around the bend and it's my own fault if nothing gets done. Indecision is a big part of procrastinating. If I knew what I wanted, had a plan, or didn't change my mind depending on flash intensity, I would get much more accomplished. I guess it's the same when choosing a new stitching project. Those of you that kit a chart are smarter than I am - it's ready for action! I waste time trying to decide which linen, do I cut into a yard or search for a piece, most need recalculated because of count, am I sticking with those thread colors, yadda yadda. So should I kit a few pieces so I have no excuse? Of course. But which ones? Oh no....what a vicious circle.
I was so taken with Hanging on by a Thread's purse finish here and then With Thy Needle and Thread's mother of pearl purse here, I decided to search for a purse frame. I found a very small one and the next size was a bright silver that had clasps the size of bowling balls.
But I did find these sweet little single and double drawers which I plan on sanding, painting, and attaching a pincushion or strawberry on top. They're cheap and light, made from balsa wood probably, but I think they are adorable.
Well I guess that's enough non-stitching information for a while. I'm heading outside to work on my sampler. If we go to Shaker Woods this weekend I'll take a few pictures to show you how neat this woodland shopping experience is. Take care everyone, thank you for visiting!
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