This project should have been completed by now. Having to rip out the heart flowers and one peacock tail counts as a game delay doesn't it? She switched tail colors on me! I made the mistake of looking at the design - not the chart. Then I got my symbols mixed up - again not checking the chart - and did the wrong color on the flowers. I'm anxious to move on to my new Stacy Nash or the Blackbird design so I should complete this soon. I read a lot of stitching blogs and they all seem to have WIP's. I actually didn't know what that was at first. I have never not completed a sampler before moving on to another. I would get frustrated and either change the stitches, the #$%* border (which I always saved for last), or just set it aside for a few days to prevent its violent demise, but always completed it. That's odd considering I have never completed a house project. Is there an acronym for completed projects that never met their frame or stuffing?
CAF? Completed Awaiting Frame/Finishing
CBU? Completed But Unfinished
CAP? Completed Abandoned Projects
SBU? Stitched But Unframed/Unfinished
CBNFBSIP? Completed But Not Finished Because Stitcher Is Procrastinator
That's what I have. Are they technically WIP's?
make the t shirts from here
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