Hello everyone. I visited my framer today. She is a warm and lovely person who also took care of her mom, and lost her not long after mine passed. She's had this business for as long as I can remember and I though you might like to see some of the items she has on display. You probably have several framing studios to choose from and most bigger than mine, but this is all I have so pretend you're impressed. It was very difficult to take photos because of reflections from the window and ceiling lights so most of them I'm not even bothering with. But I was introduced to Tru Vue museum glass. Not having anything framed for a quarter century, it's new to me, but not you. I did have one piece framed last year at Michael's with a coupon but requested standard glass, thinking the frosty looking non-glare of years back was the only other option. I thought I was getting a bargain with the coupon but found the pricing comparable to Margaret, so I will stay with my local independent.
I was amazed at the difference in the museum glass. Some times I feel a little foolish for being out of the loop for so long, like someone awakened from a long sleep and discovering the transpired changes. I call it mentalpause. Margaret has done some wonderful shadow box collections, but all I can show you are hers personally. A customer had one done showcasing an antique cloth doll and related items with an aged looking dark background and frame. Surprisingly primitive and early looking display. This one is so unusual - the narrow silver edge is the outside frame, the wider silver frame is behind the glass and part of the interior, along with the matching silver fillet bordering the mat.
An heirloom plate done with the museum glass. You can see a slight reflection of the ceiling light and my outline, but the others were like looking into a mirror.
Here's the grouping and you can see the difference in reflections compared to her other items.
I don't know if this would convince me to frame more items or not since the price may be the sticking point. I didn't have anything for her to quote, so it's hard to tell. How about you? Do you use the museum glass, or would you if the price was considerably more?
She has some other gifts and framed military branch patches that a local guy has embroidered in India. They are beautiful, but pricey. The patches are $150 and $239 framed.
I started stitching last night on what I though was a small quick project, while I await the return of Stacy. It calls for 36 count so I grabbed what I thought was 32, and started. I'm not sure what the count is, but two threads are almost two much, and one wasn't enough for me. Look how big that needle looks compared to the stitches! I have to count this - it may be 36. AUGH!!
I haven't stitched on this count for a very long time, if ever, since I'm not sure of the true count. I was having much difficulty going over two for the eyelet, and could see right away that I was actually doing three. Easy to correct when it's immediately obvious. Then I actually did something I am guilty of not doing the majority of time - I read the rest of the chart. Crap. That sweet little design is over one. I knew the letters were but not the whole design! Say it ain't so! I'm having enough trouble with this count let alone having to do the much hated over one on it. But I put on my big girl panties (my usual size) and continued on. Did I get frustrated and annoyed the more I stitched? No, not really. After completing the A, I got the hang of it and it became fun. So much fun, that I figured what the hell! Let's stick a fork in my old fillings or maybe chew on some aluminum foil. But speaking of panties - we have one dressing room in Macy's that is about the size of a fridge, with a half door so your legs are showing. I was trying on jeans in this tiny room, got one leg in, bent over, hit my head, which shoved my ass into the wall, making a LOT of noise as I bounced off the walls trying to regain my balance hopping on one leg. By now the entire department is hearing the commotion and looking at the door and then it happened. On the floor in the door's open bottom sat a large rear wearing white cotton Hanes full briefs. In the modern world of thongs, and $8 fitted low riders, there I was in large white cotton up to the waist. At least I didn't knock the door open and fly out into a rack. Now go back up and look at a nicer picture to rid yourself of this image.
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